Customise the Write tab with a Lightbox script
A very helpful tutorial on customising the Write tab for your TXP install with the aid of a Lightbox script.
A very helpful tutorial on customising the Write tab for your TXP install with the aid of a Lightbox script.
Setup up a live editing environment for your Textpattern install on the Linux platform.
How to use phpMyAdmin to perform an update, in this case to change the commenter name.
How to display a teaser from a future article to your audience – with or without a plugin.
In search of the holy grail for your dynamic meta tags..
Another solution for multi language sites provided by Patrick Lefevre.
Add a live preview feature to the comments on your site.
Add some link tags to improve your site’s SEO.
How to enter your HTML code into an article title.
Use Thickbox to create nice contact forms on your Textpattern site.
Render an invitation to Tweet your articles and display a pre-formatted TinyURL link within Twitter.
This feature is for people who want make a prev/next article link according to the assigned value of category1.
This tip will display the published date and, only if article has been changed, the last modified date article.
Display a personal greeting to your site visitor if they have previously left a comment.
How to create a simple support ticket system for your site using a contact form and a few lines of PHP.
A simple PHP script to display an unordered list of your authors.
Display a Flickr set – or other custom content – based on a variable from a URL.
How to add a TextBook manual reference to your Coda application.
Quick and easy way to integrate Text Link Ads in your Textpattern site.