Today, here is a simple TXP PHP script I would like to share with you.
For my latest project I needed to display a price list in an HTML table based on corresponding articles. My articles refer to products. I use custom fields to store special descriptions informations and prices. These custom fields are named like this:
- Table_Line_1
- Table_line_2
- (…) and so on (…)
These simple text inputs are populated by a semi-colon separated list of information:
String 1 ; String 2 ; price 1 ; price 2 ; price 3
Into the template for my “Prices” page, I put my html markup table and use an article_custom tag to call a form named “inner_table_builder” (type misc). Following is the script to grab all the custom fields data and display it in multiple table rows.
The script
/** * @script: display each rows from the 10 custum fields article * * @copyright: cara-tm, * @licence: Creative Common 2, * @author Patrick LEFEVRE <patrick[dot]lefevre[at]gmail[dot]com> * @version 1.03 **/
// uncomment below if u want to use local currency format for prices
//setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'fr_FR@euro');
// grab needed global variables from core. get current article's title
global $thisarticle; $title = $thisarticle['title'];
// loop for main table datas. Query on custom fields
for($i=1; $i<10; $i++) { $line = safe_rows('Title, custom_'.$i.'', 'textpattern', 'Title = "'.$title.'"');
// avoid blank fields
if(!empty($line[0]['custom_'.$i])) {
// start display table inner structure
echo '<tr class="line">'; echo '<td class="left">'.$line[0]['Title'].'</td>';
// place custom fields into an array
$el = explode(";", $line[0]['custom_'.$i]);
// display array content based on keys
echo '<td class="center">'.$el[0].'</td>'; echo '<td class="center">'.$el[1].'</td>';
/* simple currency format with number_format function (prices are writting with a comma decimal value) use instead : htmlentities(money_format('%.2n',$line3[4]),ENT_QUOTES,'ISO-8859-15') */ echo '<td class="center">'.number_format(str_replace(',','.',$el[2]),2, ',', ' ').' €</td>'; echo '<td class="center">'.number_format(str_replace(',','.',$el[3]),2, ',', ' ').' €</td>'; echo '<td class="center">'.number_format(str_replace(',','.',$el[4]),2, ',', ' ').' €</td>'; echo '</tr>'; }
// uncomment below if locale currency formating is used
// setlocale(LC_MONETARY, ''); </txp:php>
You’ve now got your product information displayed in an HTML table. All changes made to the custom fields are updated.