In the same vein as Create an RSS Feed for last comments and inspired by a forum question, here is how to create a feed filtered on a given tag.
This is made possible thanks to (once again) the plugin rah_external_output:
- Install and activate rah_external_output
- Create a new form and name it
. - Copy-paste, fill in the blanks and tune according to your needs
The RSS feed code
; Content-type: text/xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<txp:php>global $variable; $variable['tag'] = gps('tag');</txp:php>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:atom=""> <channel>
<generator></generator> <title><txp:site_name /></title> <description> ... </description> <link><txp:site_url /></link> <atom:link href="<txp:site_url />?rah_external_output=tagfeed&tag=<txp:variable name="tag" />" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <pubDate><txp:php>echo safe_strftime('rfc822');</txp:php></pubDate>
<txp:article_custom limit="100" break="">
<txp:if_keywords keywords='<txp:variable name="tag" />'> <txp:variable name="item_content" value='<![CDATA[<txp:body />]]>' />
<item> <title><txp:title no_widow="0" /></title> <link><txp:permlink /></link> <guid><txp:permlink /></guid> <pubDate><txp:posted format="rfc822" /></pubDate> <description><txp:variable name="item_content" /></description> <content:encoded><txp:variable name="item_content" /></content:encoded> <dc:creator><txp:author /></dc:creator> </item>
</txp:if_keywords> </txp:article_custom>
</channel> </rss>
Feed’s URL
The raw URL is
as inrah_eo_tagfeed
is used inside thetxp:php
code snippet to retrieve the value to filter on
* thetag
is this value
To have a URL of this form
, add this rule to your .htaccess
RewriteRule ^tag\/(.*)\/feed$ /?rah_external_output=tagfeed&tag=$1 [R=301,L]
Some elements you can tune
In this example, tags are stored as keywords. If you want to use a custom field, replace the <txp:if_keywords> ... </txp:if_keywords>
pair with <txp:if_custom_field name="Your custom field name" value='<txp:variable name="tag" />'> ... </txp:if_custom_field>
If you set the rewriting rule in .htaccess
, atom link becomes <atom:link href="<txp:site_url />tag/<txp:variable name="tag" />/feed" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
Feed description (<description> ... </description>
): replace the ellipsis with, for example <txp:site_slogan /> - <txp:variable name="tag" />
Item content: replace or augment <txp:body />
with your own content (excerpt, article_image, etc)
The limit for article_custom
is intentionally high to avoid empty feeds but can conversely produce huge lists. This can be enhanced by counting “on the fly”, but is beyond the scope of this tip.