Recently I had cause to recode some CSS on a live textpattern site. With any CSS re-working there’s the inevitability of trying different methods to get things looking just right. Not the thing to be doing on a live site so here’s a plugin-free trick that might help.
It’s very simple. In Textpattern (or any CMS for that matter) I usually have one line calling the CSS for the site.
<txp:css format="link" n="default" />
But for this new work I’d really like textpattern to ignore me completely and serve my new CSS file. I can do this based on my location. Using I can figure out my IP address eg:
Using the following PHP code I can get textpattern to serve that new CSS file instead of the default current style sheet.
echo "<txp:css format=\"link\" n=\"new_css_file\" />";
else {
echo "<txp:css format=\"link\" n=\"default\" />";
You could also use the superb rvm_privileged plugin:
Then you don’t need to find out your own IP adress and you don’t have to change it in case the IP has changed.
I use Firefox add-ons firebug or web developer to play around with live sites :-)
@marcus Or course! I totally overlooked Ruud’s plugin. Thanks.
Actually, I think this is a neat method to serve different content and different styles to IP addresses from different regions.