You can tailor your comment header to the cases when you have 0, 1, or multiple comments. First, store the comment count in a <txp:variable />
<txp:variable name="num_comments" value='<txp:comments_count />' />
Then, use nested conditional tags to separate the three cases. TXP provides <txp:if_comments>
natively, and then we also have <txp:if_variable>
like so:
<h3 id="comments-header">
<txp:if_variable name="num_comments" value="1">
<!-- output when there is ONE comment -->
Just 1 comment so far…<a href="#comment-form"><txp:comments_invite textonly="1" showalways="1" showcount="0" /></a>
<txp:else />
<!-- output when there is MORE THAN ONE comment -->
<txp:comments_count /> comments so far…<a href="#comment-form"><txp:comments_invite textonly="1" showalways="1" showcount="0" /></a>
<txp:else />
<!-- output when there are ZERO comments -->
No comments yet…Be the first!
For the cases when there are 1 comment or more than 1 comments, I’ve enclosed the <txp:comment_invite />
in a link to the comment form on the page. When there are no comments, I know the comment form will directly follow the comment header, so there is no need to provide a link.
You can see an example of this set up in action here: Behind the Knife.
General principal
In general, you can use <txp:variable />
and its conditional counterpart, <txp:if_variable>
(and the brilliant tags-as-attributes feature) to create conditionals that Textpattern doesn’t provide natively.
Thanks, Nora. I use the same method for search results— it seems foolish to have the site tell people “There were 1 results for the search XYZ“.
Good one and lots of other uses for the methodology there too. Thank you, Nora.
Well done ! Thanks.