Sometimes you might want to display who posted the latest comment for a given article. Here’s how you do it:
In your article form
<p>[<txp:comments_count />]
Latest comment by <txp:comments form="comment_poster" sort="posted desc" limit="1" /></p>
The if_comments
conditional checks for any comments associated with this article. If there are comments, display the latest comment using the comment_poster
Create comment_poster form
<txp:comment_name link="0" />
Place the above in a new form titled comment_poster and save as type comment.
Thanks to Els for the inspiration and code.
Is there any way to extend this so you could have the latest comment (regardless of the article) on the homepage, for example? Hm. I guess you’d need a way to output the most recent article, only if it has at least one comment, and if not move on to the next and so on.
You can use the plugin wet_recent_comments for that.